Things I will Be Taking Away from 2020

Gabby Howard
5 min readJan 4, 2021

I think we can all agree that the year 2020 has been a whirlwind to say the very least. We’ve been hit with all sorts of things, from Covid-19 to a presidential election.

While there were a lot of negative things that happened this year, I found myself reflecting on the lessons I learned while going through a year full of unprecedented changes. Here are some of the takeaways I am leaving this year with:

  1. I value human connection way more than I thought

When isolation hit, I immediately wasn’t even sure what the terms “quarantine” really meant. What do you mean I can’t be with friends all the time like normal? Human connection is so important and it is something that we are created for.

2. Hug your family and friends tight while you still have them here on this earth. Losing a loved one is really hard.

This year I went through pretty much my first big loss of a loved one. It was a feeling I had never felt before, and let’s just say it wasn’t the best. It took me a while to really process how I was even supposed to grieve. However, I found so much joy in reflecting on the memories I am able to hold close to me forever with that person who I am confident is celebrating up in Heaven. Many of us have gone through so much loss this year; whether that be close friends, family members, or those we look up to due to tragedy or health-related causes from this virus. Life is short and our time on earth is limited. Be present and make memories with those you love, because before you know it the times we get to share together are all that we have.

3. When the going gets tough, keep on going

I can’t tell you how many times I said to myself, “Can this year just be over already? I’m so exhausted”. But as this year is close to ending, I am thankful for those times where I felt struggle because there really is always light at the end of the tunnel. It will always get better.

4. If one door closes, another one will always open

Flashback to the end of my junior year of college in May so excited about the internship I had scored for the summer. I had it all planned out. I was going to be moving to Dallas, TX with my best friend. And then I got the call that I think a lot of us got similar this year. My internship had been “postponed” yet in other words, cancelled. There went that plan. Just when I thought I would be doing nothing all summer, an opportunity opened up to be a last-minute intern and helper on another company’s special project. So, at the end of the day another door opened when I thought I had no other options.

5. Cherish the moments we get to spend with one another

I think 2020 taught all of us how much we take for granted the moments we get to spend with one another. I think being apart from friends and family really makes you realize how much you would do anything to be in their presence. This year taught me that I want to be more present and intentional with my relationships going into 2021.

6. Photos are far more valuable than getting the perfect social media post

I am definitely guilty of posting a lot of my life on social media. But, I found myself realizing this year that instead of trying to show everyone the memories I am making, I need to focus more on being there in the moment instead of trying to get the perfect documentation of it. Sure, I love having photos of my experiences to keep forever, but I don’t need to be using those moments for more likes or followers. I want to shift my perspective on social media leaving 2020.

7. School is weird when it’s online

THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM. I honestly always enjoyed at least having one online class every semester, but then 2020 came. Everything at school shifted to online so quickly. Obviously, our only choice was to embrace it. I find myself feeling grateful that Covid-19 came during my college experience instead of elementary, middle, or high school. Being in-person for school makes such a huge difference for me personally. I learn best when I can physically be in a classroom soaking up the material surrounded by classmates. Online school in 2020 is something we can all look back on and bond over.

This year also taught me how grateful I am for the teachers out there. You guys are all superheroes!!!

8. Life isn’t made to just “go through the motions”

On countless occasions this year, I found myself fearing that I was letting a lot of life pass me by. I would have a constant thought that I was just going through the day-to-day motions and being stuck in a routine. I had to quickly remind myself to stop thinking negatively and instead do something about it. After this year I learned that I feel drawn to a life that is without much routine and a little bit more freedom.

9. There is so much of the world that is left for us to see and experience

Ironically, this year is probably the year that I have had an itch to travel most. Of course, right? lol. 2020 has made it very difficult to plan trips. But, I won’t let the setbacks hold me back going into the new year. There is so much of the world to see, and I am ready to explore!

10. In the midst of what seems like an unsalvageable divide, we need to LOVE each other more. Period.

This year really opened our eyes to a lot of the divide that is going on in our country and the world today. Even though it seems impossible to reconcile our differences, we must realize that the only thing that can heal the obstacles we face is through God, and in order for that to happen we must love each other without strings.

Now bring on 2021, we are ready for you!!!

